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Bentonite clay and areas of its application.

This article has been updated 24 2021,

Bentonite has found application in many areas of human activity, for example, it is used in drilling, including horizontal directional drilling, in civil engineering (when constructing objects below the water table - the "wall in the ground" method), in foundry (for manufacturing molding sands), as well as in everyday life, for example, as a base for litter for pet litter.
We are a specialized enterprise for the production of loose, finely ground materials used in various industries: metallurgy, foundry, oil and gas and construction. In these industries, bentonite is used for pelletizing iron ore concentrates, for preparing molding sands and drilling fluids. At present, the use of bentonite is expanding in the chemical industry, in the agricultural and livestock industries. Bentonite and products from it are used for various environmental purposes, for waterproofing, as well as for wastewater treatment and disposal of radioactive waste.

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